Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Google to launch an online music store.

Google is expected to launch its new online music store very soon.
Industry sources have observed that Google, after making deals with several labels, is now in talks with publishers including the Harry Fox Agency. The increased pace of the deals indicate that the backend of the download store is now in the alpha stages of development, and the content deals need to be sewn up for a debut before the end of the year.

The major labels have welcomed competition from other players in the space including Amazon and Wal-Mart in order to create more balance. Amazon and Wal-Mart each own a little over 10% of the market and the majors feel that Google could achieve another 10% depending on the success of their rollout and how it’s integrated with their other products. A Google, Wal-Mart and Amazon marketshare of 30% would rival Apple’s 30% share and may give them the leverage they need to combat Cupertino’s strict terms.

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